Rutgerd Boelens is Professor of Water Governance and Social Justice with the Department of Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University and Professor of Political Ecology of Water in Latin America with CEDLA (Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation) and the University of Amsterdam. He is also visiting professor at the Catholic University of Peru and coordinates the international Justicia Hídrica/Water Justice alliance. His work focuses on water rights, water grabbing, hydrosocial territories, legal pluralism, cultural politics, governmentality and social mobilisation.
Tom Perreault is Professor of Geography at Syracuse University, New York. His research examines the intersections of political ecology, resource governance, agrarians transformation, and indigenous and campesino social mobilisation in the central Andes and western Amazon. His research has been funded by Fulbright, the Inter-American Foundation, the United Nations and the US National Science Foundation.
Jeroen Vos is Assistant Professor of Water Governance at the Department of Water Resources Management at Wageningen University, The Netherlands where he teaches on agricultural water governance and political ecology of water. As a water policy advisor he has also worked in Peru and Bolivia with different international development organisations. His current research interests are the dynamics and discourses of water use and governance by agribusinesses in Latin America.