IBM Enterprise Content Management (ECM) products and offerings combined with the IBM Information Archive device provides the type of end-to-end Smart Archive solution that is a critical component of the IBM Smart Archive strategy.
This IBM RedpaperTM publication focuses on the benefit and technical details of the integration of ECM products and offering with the Information Archive device. We explain the need and concept behind the IBM Smart Archive strategy, provide an overview of the Information Archive device and ECM products and offerings, and discuss how integrating them can benefit an organization. The technical details that we provide include integrating the Information Archive device with the following ECM products and offerings:
-- IBM FileNet® P8
-- IBM Content Manager
-- IBM Content Manager OnDemand
The Information Archive for Email, Files, and eDiscovery solution comes with the preintegrated and preconfigured Information Archive device and the preinstalled ECM software.
The paper introduces technical sales people and IT specialists to the IBM Smart Archive strategy and the integration of Information Archive and ECM products and offerings. At the same time, it provides IT specialists specific guidance about performing the integrations.