Weng Cho CHEW received the B.S. (1976), M.S. (1978), Engineer’s (1978), and Ph.D. (1980) degrees in EE from MIT. He is serving as the Dean of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong on leave of absence from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Previously, he was a professor and the director of the Electromagnetics Laboratory at the University of Illinois. Before that, he was a manager and program leader at Schlumberger-Doll Research. He was on IEEE Adcom for AP-S and GRSS, and was active with various journals and societies. He researches in wave physics for various applications and fast algorithms for solving wave problems, and originates several fast algorithms for solving scattering and inverse problems. A research group that he led, for the first time, solved dense matrix systems with tens of millions of unknowns for integral equations of scattering. He wrote the book Waves and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media, coauthored the book Fast and Efficient Methods in Computational Electromagnetics, as well as numerous journal, conference publications, and book chapters. He is an IEEE, OSA, and IOP Fellow, and was an NSF PYI (USA). He received the Schelkunoff Best Paper Award for TAP, the IEEE Graduate Teaching Award, UIUC Campus Wide Teaching Award, and IBM Faculty Awards. He was a Founder Professor and is currently, a Y.T. Lo Endowed Chair Professor at UIUC. Recently, he served as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, and Cheng Tsang Man Visiting Professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. ISI Citation elected him to the category of Most-Highly Cited Authors (top 0.5%). This year, he has been chosen to receive the IEEE AP-S Distinguished Educator Award.