Cheryl Critchley is a respected Melbourne investigative and freelance journalist with more than 30 years' experience on a range of publications, including the Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper and the Weekly Review magazine. She has written about state and federal politics, psychology, education, general news and features. Cheryl's books cover topics as diverse as AFL football and parenting. She now writes and edits for a range of publications, volunteers with the AFL Fans Association, and works as a communications professional. Cheryl has a strong interest in psychology, and has produced parenting columns, feature articles and opinion pieces with a psychological focus.
Professor Helen McGrath has worked for many years as a counselling psychologist in both a hospital setting and in private practice. She has also lectured for many years on a range of topics in psychology and educational psychology at Deakin University, and run hundreds of workshops for educational and health professionals on key aspects of psychology. She is currently an adjunct professor at both Deakin University and RMIT University. Helen has also been involved in the development of a number of Australian national and state frameworks related to the promotion of mental health and the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. She is the author/co-author of 22 books for psychologists, other professionals and the general community, including Difficult Personalities and Bounce Back! A Positive Education Approach to Wellbeing, Resilience and Social-Emotional Learning.