Will P. Gates, PhD, is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. He received his PhD in Clay Mineralogy and Soil Physical Chemistry at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA in 1994, and MSc at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA in 1987 and a BSc at Montana State University, Montana, USA. He joined the CSIRO (Adelaida, South Australia, Australia) as a Senior Research Scientist in 1997 and since that time has applied a variety of spectroscopic tools, clay mineralogy and physical chemistry to the study and application of bentonites and bentonite products in the waste (containment and reuse), chemicals (synthesis, green chemistry), mining (barriers, tailings dewatering and water reuse), agricultural and mineral exploration industries. He was recipient of the Marion L., and Christie M. Jackson Mid Career Clay Science Award by The Clay Minerals Society, Chantilly, Virginia, USA.
J. Theo Kloprogge, MSc in Geology, PhD in Geology/Chemistry, is currently Adjunct Professor at the Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas, Philippines. From 2014 till the end of 2024, he was an Honorary Senior Fellow at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia. He has been teaching analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and mineralogy/crystallography for many years. During the past 30+ years Dr. Kloprogge has been working as a mineralogist (in particular clay mineralogy) and spectroscopist. The results of this work have been published in nearly 300 papers in international peer reviewed journals as well as in a number of book chapters (including Dev. Clay Sci. Vol. 7), 6 books (as author and/or editor, including Dev. Clay Sci. Vol. 8) and 1 patent.
Dr Faiza Annabi-Bergaya obtained a Licence-ès-Science in Physical-Chemistry from the University of Tunis in 1966, a first PhD in Inorganic Chemistry in 1971 from University La Sorbonne-Paris VI and a second PhD in Physics in 1978 from the University of Orleans (France). She started her career in 1971 at the CNRS from which she is presently Emeritus Research Director. Her research interest is focused on the Physics and Chemistry of clays and clay minerals. She is member of the AIPEA Nomenclature Committee. She was Secretary of the ECGA in 1999-2003. As President of the GFA (French Clay Group) in 2003-2007, she created the annual meetings of the GFA, organizing the first two meetings in Orleans. She launched the Series Developments in Clay Science with the publication in 2006 of Volume 1 (Handbook of Clay Science) and she is Series Editor since 2013. She is Editor-in-Chief of Applied Clay Science since 2012.