Electronic Systems is concerned with electronic systems such as sine-wave oscillators, amplifiers with negative feedback, operational amplifiers, analogue and digital computers, switching circuits, bistable circuits, and microprocessors. This text is comprised of five chapters; the first of which introduces the basic ideas of a system, feedback, control, and logic gates. Examples of feedback and closed-loop control are given, and the distinction between the effects of positive and negative feedback is described, along with the functions of AND, OR, NOT, NOR, and NAND logic gates. The next chapters focus on the effects of resistors, capacitors, and inductors in circuits, as well as the developments in valves and semiconductors and the physics of conduction in solids, metals, and semiconductors. The final chapter considers the electronic applications of some of the ideas discussed in the previous chapters. This book is intended for students interested in physics and is recommended to be read prior to going to university.