Caroline Price
Normally I would fall into raptures about a William Boyd novel but, I'm sorry to say, I struggled with this one. It's the story of Brodie Moncur, a Scottish musician and his love affair with a beautiful Russian soprano, Lika Blum. The story takes place at the end of the 19th century when changes of all sorts are taking place and the plot moves from Edinburgh to Paris, to St Petersburg and back to Scotland. Sadly, although the novel sounds idyllic in the blurb, I found it hard going as a reader. I can honestly say that this is the only William Boyd novel that I've ever been less than 100% delighted with. If like me, you are a committed fan of this author's work, please don't let me put you off, you may love it.
michael thompson
William Boyd is an author I have read for many years and this book is typical of his talents: readable yet thoughtful language, full of detail and vivid imagery, peopled with characters whose lives you are happy to immerse yourself in. There was a self destructive naiivty about Brodie, the main character which meant his decisions didn't always ring true but the conceit of the pursuit of the lovers by their nemesis works well.