Jamestown Archaeology: Remains to be Seen uses archaeological discoveries to greatly augment what we know about the settlement from written records. It discusses how the archaeological revelations recreate the backdrop where, amid Jamestown's growing fortifications, its houses, government buildings, churches, graves and village streets, the rule of law, representative democratic government, and venture capitalism took root in America. The volume examines the archaeological discoveries that date from the time of the first fortifications (James Fort 1607–1624) to the middle of the eighteenth century. It includes a chapter devoted specifically to how the fort was built, then redesigned and enlarged. It also addresses the archaeological examination of sites and artifacts relating to the Virginia Indians including a discussion of Pocahontas and the location of her lost grave in England. The 1676 "Bacon's" Rebellion is explored along with various episodes of destruction and the building of the first Virginia Capitol building, the Ludwell Statehouse Complex. The last chapter presents a comparative review of Jamestown Island maps drawn every century since the town was founded showing photographically and cartographically how much of the Island and its archaeological sites have been lost to erosion and rising water for 400 years, ending with thoughts about the need for rescuing sites today in the face of climate change, sea level rise, and more Island land erosion.
This book is for historical archaeologists and historians as well as readers with an interest in the beginnings of America.
Dr. William M. Kelso is the former Director of Archaeology for the Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation. He holds a Master's Degree in Early American History from the College of William and Mary, and a Ph.D. from Emory University. In 2012, Queen Elizabeth II named him (Hon.) Commander of the British Empire (CBE). He has authored books including Archaeology at Monticello (1994); Jamestown, The Buried Truth (2006); and Jamestown, The Truth Revealed (2017).