Offering a collection of terrifying stories of science fiction and speculative fiction horrors, Ominous Realities is a dark thrill ride to explore what might be in store for mankind.
This wicked journey isn't limited by time or gravity. It takes you on an exploration of futuristic and post-Apocalyptic worlds, to experience societies where dark corporations rule, where humanity must consider terrifying alternatives, and to the dangerous realities that may be in store, dragging you through horrifying speculative scenarios that pose dire consequences for the existence of mankind.
"How to Make a Human" by Martin Rose
A race of robots with the ability to resurrect humanity after the apocalypse has dire consequences.
"Angie" by John F.D. Taff
A divorced couple fights for survival after society collapses and realize the horror of true devotion.
"On the Threshold" by William Meikle
Two scientists aiming to prove we are not alone find the danger that exists beyond the threshold.
"Doyoshota" by Ken Altabef
Residents of a Nevada town are suffering the debilitating effects of a strange hum and believe it's a black ops program, others are convinced of far darker origins.
"Third Offense" by Gregory L. Norris
In an oppressive society where advertising is all-pervasive, a factory worker attempts to escape enslavement with horrifying results.
"Matamorphosis" by J. Daniel Stone
Siblings discover the unique bond has the ability to affect humanity in the darkest of ways.
"We are Hale, We are Whole" by Eric Del Carlo
Global climate change has reshaped the world, and multi-national corporations control every aspect of life. To what horrifying lengths will they go in the struggle to maintain profit?
"Pure Blood and Evergreen" by Bracken MacLeod
Victims of ethnic cleansing, two boys struggle for survival only to put the lives of everyone they know in danger.
"John, Paul, Xavier, Ironside and George (But not Vincent)" by Hugh A.D. Spencer
Under attack by mysterious biomechanical entities, one man spends his last days with an enigmatic client who may holds the fate of Earth in his hands.
"And the Hunter, Home From the Hill" by Edward Morris
Are superheroes real? It could be that the old man living down the street is hiding his own dark secrets.
"Born Bad" by Jonathan Balog
Raised by the church, Lucien harbors a frightening secret that may have dire circumstances for mankind.
"The Last Bastion of Space" by Ewan C. Forbes
Privatization has run amok and simple pleasures come at a premium. For one young couple the only option is to turn their minds over to insidious corporate control.
"Every Soul is a Grimoire" by Allen Griffin
A shadowy government official is responsible for a man with dangerous skill that blurs reality and opens the door to terrifying evil.
"From the East" by Alice Goldfuss
Driven by conviction, a scientist struggles to determine the cause of a global cataclysm and finds herself in a struggle for the existence of humanity.
"Deciding Identity" by Paul Williams
Faced with the collision of two worlds, the citizens of each are offered the choice to decide who will live or die.
"The Last Elf" by T. Fox Dunham
Having spent a lifetime chasing the enemies of Nazi Germany, a sociopathic concentration camp commanderfinds himself on the verge of his crowning achievement: ultimate extermination.
Proudly presented by Grey Matter Press, the multiple Bram Stoker Award-nominated independent publisher.
Grey Matter Press: Where Dark Thoughts Thrive