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Windows Command Line: The Personal Trainer
Windows Command Line for Administration: The Personal Trainer
Chances are that if you work with Windows computers you’ve used Windows Command Line. You may even have run commands at the command prompt. However, you probably still have many questions about Windows Command Line and may also wonder what tools and resources are available.
This training kit for Windows power users and IT professionals delivers ready answers for using Windows command-line tools to manage Windows, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. Not only is this training kit packed with examples that show you how to run, use, schedule, and script Windows commands and support tools, it's written by a well-known author of computer books and features easy-to-read tables, lists, and step-by step instructions.
Designed for anyone who wants to learn Windows Command Line, this training will help you perform tasks more efficiently, troubleshoot performance issues and programs, manage computer settings, perform routine maintenance, and much more. With its comprehensive overviews, step-by-step procedures, frequently used tasks, and documented examples, this training kit delivers the fast, accurate information you need!