To be those who are in the practicality of the Body, we first need to keep the oneness of the Body. To keep the oneness of the Body is actually to keep the oneness of the Spirit because the Spirit is the reality and the essence of the Body. In addition to keeping the oneness of the Body, we need to maintain a good order in the Body. To keep a pleasant, good, and beautiful order, we need to be subject to one another in the fear of Christ. “Then we will keep the one accord without criticizing, without despising, and without opposing. We should respect one another, help one another, perfect one another in life, and complete one another in work. We should never despise or criticize others. Instead, we should always receive help from others and return help to them…If we take this way, we will be greatly blessed by the Lord’s dear, sweet presence.”
Born in 1905 in northern China, Witness Lee was raised in a Christian family and educated in English-speaking schools. At the age of 19 he believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and consecrated himself to preach the gospel. Early in his service, Witness Lee met Watchman Nee and began to labor together with him. In 1949 Witness Lee was sent by Watchman Nee to Taiwan to ensure that the things delivered to them by the Lord would be preserved. In 1962 Witness Lee came to the United States and began to minister here. He ministered in weekly conferences, delivering several thousand spoken messages until 1997. He gave his last public conference in February 1997 at the age of 91. His major work, Life-Study of the Bible, comprises over 25,000 pages of commentary on every book of the Bible from the perspective of the believers' enjoyment and experience of God's divine life in Christ through the Spirit.