This volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series contains the proceedings of the second Working Conference on Component Deployment, which took place May 20-21, 2004, at the e-Science Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, as a collocated event of the International Conference on Software Engineering. Component deployment addresses what needs to be done afteracomponent has been developed. Component deployment includes activities such as com- nent customization, con?guration, integration, activation, de-activation and - commissioning. The emerging research community that investigates component deploymentconcernsitselfwiththeprinciples,methodsandtoolsfordeployment activities. The community held its ?rst working conference in Berlin, Germany, inJune2002.TheproceedingswerepublishedbySpringer-Verlagasvolume2370 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The program of this year's conference consisted of an invited talk and 16 technical paper presentations. The invited talk was given by Patrick Goldsack of Hewlett PackardResearchLaboratoriesBristol, UK. He presented the Smart- Frog component deployment framework that HP released as Open Source. The technicalpaperswerecarefullyselectedfromatotalof34submittedpapers.Each paper was thoroughly peer reviewed by at least three members of the program committee and consensus on acceptance was achieved by means of an electronic PC meeting.