I've never cared much for the labels I was given.
But when I got a new one added to the list, it felt different from the others.
It felt important.
It felt life-changing.
And now that I'm fresh out of jail, honoring that one is the only thing that matters to me.
Even if it means dealing with my overly dramatic bitter ex.
Even if it means scrubbing toilets for piss pay - joke intended.
Even if it means letting the nerdy know-it-all I never expected to see after high school taught me to rewrite all the others.
I may not have cared much for the labels of my past, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to not ruin the new ones of my future.
Xavier Neal is a best-selling romance author who enjoys hopping from sub genre to sub-genre like a game of Hopscotch she can't resist.
In between writing, she loves to read (everything from romance to self improvement books), watch movies (old and new), eat too much Tex-Mex (her Chuy's t-shirt collection is out of control), and watch AHL hockey games LIVE (preferably against the glass whenever possible).
She currently resides happily in Texas with her bearded husband "Lumberjack”.
Website link: https://www.xavierneal.com/
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