The 6th Kyoto Summer Institute devoted to "Chaos and Statistical Mechanics" was held from September 12 to 15, 1983, at the Research Institute forMathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, and at Hotel Kuniso. The meeting was aimed at clari fying various aspects of chaotic systems appearing in different scientific disci pl ines, critically examining related mathematical methods developed so far, thus preparing for possible breakthroughs, among others, for the opening of a new period of statistical mechanics of deterministic systems. The number of partici pants was 135,of which 24 were from abroad. We believe that the well-prepared lecture of each speaker and lively discussions among many participants from various research fields led the meeting to a successful conclusion. The 6th KSI was organized by the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics. A number of young chaos researchers in Japan also participated actively in the organization. We were also in close contact with the organizer of the IUTAM Sym posium on "Turbulence and Chaotic Phenomena in Fluids" (Kyoto Kaikan Conference Hall, Kyoto, September 5-10 1983). This volume contains most of the lectures presented at the 6th KSI. We are very grateful to all the authors for their efforts in preparing such excellent manuscripts. The 6th KSI was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the Yamada Science Foundation. The organizing committee acknowledges gratefully their generous financial support. Finally, than'ks are due to Dr. M. Toya and Miss T. Sumide for their invaluable assistance.