Youngsang Cho was born in Hwaseong, Gyeonggido, South Korea, in 1965, graduated from Suwon High School and Department of Chemistry at Ajou University, and completed a master's degree in Horticulture at Chungnam National University, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology at Jeonbuk National University.
After discharged from the 706 Special Assault Commando unit, he started
conducting agriculture research in 1991. He developed several technologies for the self-manufacturing of natural pesticides, which are the core technologies of Ultra-Low-Cost organic farming. He established the high Yield technology with no-tilling and published the book "JADAM Organic Farming" These are translated into more than 20 languages and are spreading all over the world.
Youngsang Cho's Inventions :
- JADAM Wetting Agent (JWA)
- JADAM Sulfur (JS)
- JADAM Microorganism Solution (JMS) made with potatoes
- JADAM Microorganism Solution (JMS) made with mixed grains
- JADAM Surface-Spreading Agent against rice water weevil
- JADAM Liquid Fertilizer (JLF) made without sugar or molasses
- Natural Pesticide against rice bakanae disease
- Natural Germicide against anthracnose, & leaf spot
- Natural Fungicide against powdery mildew & downy mildew
- Natural Pesticide against aphids, & mites
- Natural Pesticide against tobacco moth, & beet armyworm
- Natural Pesticide against stinkbug, & mealybug
- Natural Pesticide against slug, & snail
- Natural Pesticide against citrus flatid planthopper
- Natural Pesticide against rice water weevil
- Naphthalene pesticide (broken down into ultra-fine particles)
- Natural Pesticide against Fowl ticks
- Natural Pesticide against Coffee Berry Borers (CBB)
- Natural Pesticide against mealybugs, & black sooty mould
- Eliminating flies from livestock housings
- Complete fertilization design for crops
- Eco toilet odor removal method
Watch all videos instruction on Ultra-Low-Cost Organic Farming techniques
on the website ( and YouTube Channel (JADAM Organic Farming).