If you have progressed in the “school of calloused knees” from preoccupation in prayer for personal needs to interceding for the needs of others, you are ready to graduate into the mature believer’s prayer priority – that God’s needs be met.
Yes, “God’s need” or concerns. Dr. Fomum devotes this volume to enlarging and deepening (or is it heightening?) the prayer warrior’s target. “Every true prayer ought to begin in the heart of God”, writes the author.
This volume in the Prayer Power Series seeks to advance the intercessor closer to the springs of true prayer: seeking to know God’s will and then interceding for it to be done for His name and His kingdom’s sake.
In his usual systematic style, drawing on the scriptures and lessons learned from practice, Professor Fomum explores the dynamics of the priorities set out in the Lord’s prayer: God’s name, God’s kingdom, God’s will.
Are you ready to move on and up in your prayer and intercessory ministry? Are you equipped to lead your prayer group to greater heights? This book will meet your needs and help you help God meet His.
Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum was born in the flesh on 20th June 1945 and became born again on 13th June 1956. On 1st October 1966, He consecrated his life to the Lord Jesus and to His service, and was filled with the Holy Spirit on 24th October 1970. He was taken to be with the Lord on 14th March, 2009.