The unique characteristics and raison d'être of the church are clearly presented.
· Is the church a building or the people?
· What's the role of the church in the believer's life and vice versa?
· How does someone become a member of the church?
· What does a believer miss by not being part of the local church?
The reader will discover that all of God’s power is available to the believer only in the context of the church. He who is fully in the church will tap into that power. The purposes of God are tied to the church. Unless one finds his place in the church, in the local context, he has missed it all.
Every believer must therefore get to know his rights and responsibilities in the local church, flow in them, fulfill them and enjoy the benefits therein.
The believer's rights are an empowering anointing while spiritual gifts and offices are given to enable him carry out every responsibility successfully.