Audrey & BT Williams
Being a member of a book club, I selected to facilitate a book written by an author I had never heard of. If I were asked to rate this book with 5 being the highest rating, I would rate it a 2, at best. First, I did not know that Zane is known for writing erotic fiction so the explicit sex scenes came as a complete surprise to me. At my age, a senior citizen, I prefer books that stimulate me intellectually and force me to really think about how the characters are masterfully developed, how the theme or themes are revealed, and how my thinking has changed since the reading of the book. The Other Side of the Pillow did none of these for me. I suspect her loyal fans expect her to fulfill their fantasies with all of the detailed sex she includes in this book. There is so much sex or talk of sex that it crowds out the development of the characters of Jemistry, Tevin, Winsome, Floyd, Courtney, and Estella. Second, Jemistry Daniels and Dr. Tevin Harris, the main characters in the novel, are unbelievable characters.Though I did not like this book, Zane is a talented writer but hides her talent behind erotic scenes! A good book does not need sex to be engaging! Time for a change!
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Audrey Harris
I have to say while i did like this book zane has written better i wouldnt call this a must read but it was decent enough to get through ultimately my all time favorite zane book will always be heat seekers
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