Design and Implementation of Educational Games: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives researches how to meet this need by effectively engaging the learner while keeping learning integral and still creating an enjoyable experience for the user. The necessity for a balance between the art and science of game design cannot be overstated, and this book presents an impressive selection of studies and analysis performed to illustrate how game components can work in concert to facilitate learning. As technology driven games become increasingly prevalent, the principles discussed, studied and demonstrated in this reference form a necessary compendium for game designers, educators, and researchers alike.
Diane Wilcox is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education at James Madison University where she teaches educational technology, materials design and development, visual communication, and research methods. Diane?s interest in game design began in the late 1980s when she created computer graphics and animation for educational games published by Broderbund Software. After earning her Master?s and Doctoral degrees in Educational Psychology at the University of North Carolina (UNC) in the 1990s, she co-designed and developed Mindforge Fractions, which used a visual approach, gaming elements, and rich media to motivate and engage students. [Editor]