Zorana Ivcevic is a Senior Research Scientist at Yale University, USA. Her work has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, ArtNet, US News, Education Week, El Pais, and others, and she is a contributor to Psychology Today. She received the Award for Excellence in Research from the Mensa Education and Research Foundation, and the Berlyne Award for Outstanding Early Career Achievement from the American Psychological Association.
Jessica Hoffmann is a Research Scientist at Yale University and Director of Adolescent Initiatives at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, USA. She is the co-creator of two social-emotional learning approaches (RULER & inspirED), used worldwide by over 3,000 schools, and co-editor of The Cambridge Handbook of Lifespan Development of Creativity (2021).
James C. Kaufman is a Professor of Educational Psychology at the Neag School of Education at University of Connecticut, USA. He is the author/editor of more than fifty books, including the The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity (2019), and a past president of Division 10 (Aesthetics, Creativity, & the Arts) of the American Psychological Association.