Centered around a previously unpublished dialogue between Bauman and Portera, the book contains an extended introduction by Riccardo Mazzeo that traces key themes in the dialogue and highlights the importance of education in our globalized world. The book highlights that intercultural and multicultural education is the best developed model to meet modern day challenges that include religious pluralism, pollution, and conflict. It also contains timely material relating to significant issues affecting society today; including the refugee crisis, rising authoritarian nationalism, and the risks and challenges of globalisation and sustainability.
This book will be of great interest for academics, scholars and students in the fields of intercultural education, sociology and the sociology of education.
Zygmunt Bauman has been one of the most influent sociologists of the last century and of the first two decades of the present century. Among his dozens of books, Modernity and the Holocaust and Liquid Modernity.
Agostino Portera is Professor at the University of Verona, Italy and visiting Professor all over the world. As a prominent expert of intercultural studies he has published many books in Italian and English.
Riccardo Mazzeo is an editor, an essayist and a translator. His published books include In Education and In Praise of Literature with Zygmunt Bauman.