iNTELLYJELLY- Senior_Jul'20 edition

Prerna Publication
26 шүүмж
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A few days ago, Mystery Minder Mia was sitting alone, pondering over the strange incidents happening in her school. Her mother entered and was puzzled to see Mia this way.

'You look worried,' said her mother, concerned.

Mia blurted out, 'I was just thinking about who could be behind all the strange happenings at school. For the first time, I do not know how to solve this mystery and it is frustrating.'

'Since when have you started looking at things emotionally rather than logically, Mia,' replied her mother calmly. 'Try looking at the situation from the standpoint of logic and reason rather than from what your heart tells you. Maybe that would help.’

RESILIENCE WORKS BETTER WHEN ONE LEARNS TO INTEGRATE EMOTIONS WITH LOGIC- The way Mia does in the story of this month. Her logical bent of mind helps her join the dots and catch the culprits.

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26 шүүмж

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Animesh Tiwari, an alumnus of IIM Calcutta is an ex-telecom professional with more than two decades of domestic and international experience. He was laurelled for his recent success when the Delhi Education Ministry selected iNTELLYJELLY for the 'Happiness curriculum'. The selection by Reliance Jio and Bharti Foundation are also a few key landmarks of success. His solo moto is weaving enjoyable reading, while iNTELLYJELLY shapes the sprouts.

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