What is your primary point of contact with customers? It's their blog for numerous firms. If your business does not have a blog, you are missing out on an important source of new clients and higher revenue from existing customers. Consider the following statistics:
Nearly 20 million people own blogs, accounting for 23% of total internet usage.
81 percent of online consumers in the United States place their trust in the information and advice provided by blogs.
61 percent have purchased anything as a result of a blog recommendation.
Small businesses that blog get a 126 percent increase in lead growth, while B2B marketers who blog see a 67 percent increase in lead growth.
Whether your business is brand new or is establishing a presence in the industry, a blog is an invaluable resource. The sooner you establish it, the more time it will have to establish reputation and a following. A blog enables you to develop your brand's voice, increase your SEO, and expand your reach by providing content for social media sharing.