Allen has provided, substantial contributions in the research, design, and implementation of innovative end-user applications. His primary interest is in creating simple interfaces for complex tasks, including intelligent interfaces, customizable software, user interface design, software design, and instruction. Edited the book "Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration", which was published by MIT Press in 1993 (~3000 sold). He has created several successful end-user programming systems: Eager, Stagecast Creator, and CoScripter. Ph.D. Computer Science, Yale University, A.B. A.B. Mathematics, Princeton University.Mira has been building web summarization and customization systems since 2005. Mira is interested in a variety of problems including managing, sharing, and repurposing Web content and visualizing heterogenous data. Her dissertation work was on interaction techniques for semi-automatic gathering and customization of web content. Mira is interested in creating systems that allow users to access the information they need quickly and easily. Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Washington.Tessa has been doing research on end user programming since 1997, resulting in more than a dozen technical papers on the various aspects of EUP. Tessa's research goal is to develop innovative interfaces for enhancing human productivity and creativity through the use of techniques drawn from artificial intelligence. Her research interests include intelligent user interfaces, machine learning, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, programming by demonstration, and email classification. She also contributed a chapter about her SMARTedit system to the second EUP book, "Your Wish Is My Command. PhD, University of Washington's Department of CS&E.Jeffrey currently leads the Highlight project, which is building technology that allows users to easily create their own mobile versions of existing web sites. His research interests are in the field of human-computer interaction, with a specific focus on automated design, mobile computing, end-user programming, and ubiquitous computing. He received his Ph.D. in December 2006 from the Human-Computer Interaction Institute in Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science. His thesis described the first system to automatically generate interfaces that are consistent with a user's previous experience and provided the first evidence from user studies that automatically generated interfaces can be more usable than human-designed interfaces in certain situations. He received a BS degree in computer engineering from the University of Washington in 2000.