Each lesson in this study focuses on a different aspect of renewing your mind, based on different passages from the book of Romans. Some days you’ll read just a verse or two, while other days you’ll read whole chapters. But if you’ll keep reading through the suggested passages each day, by the end of this study you’ll have read through the entire book of Romans.
At the end of each chapter, I’ve included some “Questions for Reflection” that you can use for personal reflection or group discussion. The study is divided into 40 lessons (counting the Introduction and Conclusion), so you can complete the study by doing one lesson a day for 40 days, or five lessons a week for eight weeks, or a lesson a week for 40 weeks, whichever suits you or your group best.
At the end of this book, I’ve included four additional devotionals that I wrote, plus one that my wife Lana wrote, after Lana’s diagnosis with Stage 4 cancer, which took place midway through writing this series. I’ve included these special messages to highlight the importance of keeping your mind focused on God’s perspective on your life at all times. May God bless you as you seek to renew your mind, day by day, and may your life be transformed in the process.
Eric Elder
Eric Elder is an author, speaker and contemporary pianist. Eric is also an ordained pastor and a technology expert, having worked as a technology researcher for a Fortune 10 corporation for nine years prior to going into full-time ministry in 1995. This unique combination of skills led USA Today to call him “a new breed of evangelist,” referring to his groundbreaking work of sharing Christ over the Internet (at www.theranch.org) with thousands daily in 200 countries.