Would You Like To Discover How To Naturally Achieve a state of weight loss, increased health, end cravings and naturally increased energy.
Does it work? If so, why does it work?
Science has proven it works under the right conditions.
Are you looking to lose weight, break a weight loss plateau, become healthier?
I personally have used Intermittent Fasting to burn off the last stubborn 12 pounds of FAT ONLY I could not lose through exercise or low-carb dieting. I did not have the will power to do 2-3 day fasts so daily intermittent fasting worked great for me, in fact, it worked so well that I can’t help but to do it almost everyday now.
One of the biggest benefits I notice from daily intermittent fasting is that I seldom am hungry. If you get past the first couple days or first week, your hunger levels really go down a lot. It's nice not having to deal with hunger or thinking about what to eat and when or if you have already eaten too much. I work on a computer all day, so when hunger or low energy hits you, it is nearly impossible to NOT think about it and start snacking. This all goes away, especially if you combine intermittent fasting with a Ketotgenic or low-carb diet.
Countless scientific research trials have confirmed the results of Intermittent Fasting.
If you want to learn how intermittent fasting (fasting for 16 hours a day then eating during an 8-hour window) has the ability to make you burn fat fast, and become healthier then this is the book for you. It is a basic introduction to the science behind Intermittent Fasting including some meal plans.
Michael D Kaiser is an MD and wellness practitioner specializing in healthy and weight loss. He has written countless books on new and modern ways to improve health using natural remedies and foods.