I never knew the answer then, as a young man just before leaving the forces. But I had an opportunity to ask a spiritualist what my best job would be? Filled with ambition, I was open to suggestions be it a scientist, lawyer, doctor etc. But the answer I got was as a "Father" and looking back some thirty plus years on, I knew the answer to be right.
It may seem strange for a man to write on such a subject, sadly still in today's society few really appreciate the thoughts of man and especially when it comes to the love and well-being of their Children.
Having been blessed with 5 children and today, beginning to read and hear about my expressed views in this book, now being covered by the media and press. I know the content of this book is invaluable when it comes to common sense, love and care.
Beyond the superficial material nonsense of our society today, if we all paused and looked around at all other life forms, we would finally appreciate our life's purpose is to love and create life. Such views are not romantic whims, but a scientific fact in relation to Natural Law and Quantum Mechanics.
The biggest and most important job in our lives is being a parent. It is rewarding and after time, such an experience begins to put all other things and events into perspective.
I leave you with this Quote;
"As Parents the best we can ever do is to always love our Children. For regardless of our views they will always go their own way." ~ Alastair R Agutter
I hope this book can be a unique and valuable reference, resource and companion for you and found within the following key chapters.
Chapter One - Preparing To Start Your Family, Chapter Two - A New Baby Arrives and How to Care as a Parent, Chapter Three - Those Great Fun Moments Begin, Little Toddlers, Chapter Four - Starting Out in Life Infant School for Your Little One, Chapter Five - Building a Strong Relationship and Junior School, Chapter Six - Senior School and My Child Has Become an Alien, Chapter Seven - Further Education and Adulthood of Your Children, Chapter Eight - Being There As Parents in Their Relationships
Parenting never ends, it only begins!