This collection of essays includes Stephen Gill on Wordsworth's 'revisitings', Ann Wroe on Shelley's famous pamphlet, 'The Necessity of Atheism', Mary Favret on the cultural practice of 'The General Fast and Humiliation' in war-time, Gregory Leadbetter on Wordsworth's 'Lucy Poems', Daniel Robinson on Wordsworth's sonnets and newspaper verse, Mark J Bruhn and Jacob Risinger on aspects of Wordsworths's thought, Jessica Fay on Wordsworth and hermitude, Matthew Rowney on Wordsworth's peripatetics, Madeleine Callaghan on Shelley's Idealism, Monika Class on Coleridge and the once reputable 'science' of Phrenology, Stacey McDowell on Keats's play 'Otho the Great', Felicity James on Mary Hays and the life-writing of religious Dissent, and Richard Gravil on John Thelwall's hitherto unknown analysis of the prosody of Wordsworth's 'Excursion'.