Social Integration in the Second Half of Life presents integrative reviews of theory and research on this topic. The editors and contributors, all currently or previously affiliated with the Cornell Gerontology Research Institute, also present new empirical findings of research done at their center. The first section of the book discusses basic theory and principles of social integration in later life and its implications for health. The second, largest section examines specific issues: retirement, driving, family support, housing, neighbors. The third section addresses interventions to promote social integration: transportation, volunteering, and peer support for dementia caregivers. Throughout, the authors focus on the diverging influences of social integration and its converse, social isolation, in later life.
Karl Pillemer is Professor of Human Development in the Cornell Gerontology Research Institute. Phyllis Moen is Ferris Family Professor of Life Course Studies in the at Bronfenbrenner Life Course Center. Elaine Wethington is Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development. Nina Glasgow is Senior Research Associate in the Department of Rural Sociology.