There are others from which data can be taken with tweezers, as is the case of Mrs. 'Baba Vanga', a Bulgarian citizen who predicted many things in her time. She is said to have given specific dates for future events, but the times and sequences attributed to the events predicted by her are exaggerated and mixed up in their temporal location. Baba Vanga would have died on August 11, 1996, at the age of 85, and the only allusion that seems coherent that he gave for just after his death is the one that defines that by 2018 the nation of China would become the new power world. Even so, we will see that this will not be exactly the case, despite the fact that it is now the global economic power - and perhaps the second or third military power on our planet. If we remove the dates that he is supposed to have mentioned, and simply refer to his warnings, then we do have logical citations and which coincide with a host of other prophecies. Vanga is said to have prophesied that after China became the world power, the subsequent thing would be that the Earth's orbit would change slightly; I would also have argued that then Europe would have serious demographic problems, that hunger would slowly become a problem for humanity, that there would be polar melting and strong sea level rise, and the like. It is also said that he warned that later the world economy would improve remarkably while in Europe the Muslims dominate. We already know that this has to do with the new currency and the Islamic invasion, but Vanga adds something strange...