All humans descended from this tiny dinosaur—and this follow-up book for adults examines how “crankiness” is part of our nature.
Using good humor throughout, Steven Joseph observes that we typically do not hesitate to pour out our CrankaTsuris all over our spouses, kids, parents, and siblings—and then there can be a CrankaTsuris retaliation. Before you know it, you are in the middle of a CrankaTsuris food fight.
We’re all cranky at times, but it’s imperative we find a more effective way to be cranky while still making the world a happier place. In this book, learn how to:
• Create space for both yours and your family’s crankiness
• Utilize a fun “team” approach to crankiness
• Take steps to avoid being too cranky
• Improve communication with friends and family
• Handle cranky dinosaurs in your life (including children)
• Effectively diagnose and treat the “Common CrankaTsuris”
When it comes to crankiness, the infection rate in a given room is likely close to 100 percent. When trying to manage that crankiness—as well as your own—the ultimate answer will always be love.
Steven Joseph is the author of The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TyranCrankaTsuris. He regularly blogs on issues of crankiness on He is also an attorney and lives in Hoboken, New Jersey.