Chaim Bentorah has a bachelor of arts degree in Jewish Studies from Moody Bible Institute, a master’s degree in Old Testament and Hebrew from Denver Seminary, and a doctorate in Biblical Archaeology. He studied advanced Hebrew under Dr. Earl S. Kalland, who was on the executive committee for the translation work of the New International Version of the Bible. Bentorah taught classical Hebrew and Old Testament for thirteen years at World Harvest Bible College, a division of LeSea, Inc. He presently teaches Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek to lay Christian leaders and pastors in the metro Chicago area and writes daily word studies on his blog at He speaks to church and parachurch groups about the nature and means of studying the Old Testament in the original Hebrew. His books combine a devotional emphasis with scriptural studies into the deeper meanings of Hebrew words. Chaim Bentorah’s previous books with Whitaker House are Hebrew Word Study: Revealing the Heart of God (2016) and Journey into Silence: Transformation Through Contemplation, Wonder, and Worship (2018).