Explore the unique folklore with “Whispers Of Cantunite.” Encounter La Siguanaba, a grotesque spirit who appears to those who are unfaithful; El Cipitio, a child with backward feet who likes to play tricks and with the ability to teleport; the Screechy Wagon, a haunted ghost wagon on a mission to terrify those who are gossipers and liars; and the Cadejos, fearsome dog-like creatures of dual nature, appearing as both benevolent and malevolent dogs.
These captivating characters are not just introduced but brought to life through a vivid and immersive storytelling style.
As the people of Cantunite navigate the delicate balance between the seen, and the unseen, they find solace and inspiration in Doña Consue's wisdom and guidance. It's a journey you will want to take advantage of.
Zitro was raised in Southern California and now lives in Mexico with his wife, Gabriela, and three kids, Fatima, Gabriel, and Matias. Since childhood, he has always been fascinated with folklore tales his grandmother told him as a kid. Unfortunately, Zitro is currently battling Cancer.