"I highly recommend this well-written and comprehensive book on measuring and managing performance. Dr. Bogetoft summarizes the fundamental mathematical concepts in an elegant, intuitive, and understandable way."
Jon A. Chilingerian
Professor, Brandeis University and INSEAD
"Bogetoft gives in his book Performance Benchmarking an excellent introduction to the methodological basis of benchmarking."
Christian Parbøl
Director, DONG Energy
"This book is the primer on benchmarking for performance management."
Albert Birck
Business Performance Manager, Maersk Oil
"This excellent book provides a non technical introduction for performance management."
Misja Mikkers,
Director, Dutch Health Care Authority
"With this very well written and comprehensive introduction to the many facets of benchmarking in hand, organizations have no excuse for not applying the best and cost effective benchmarking methods in their performance assessments."
Stig P. Christensen
Senior R&D Director, COWI