Richard Davis has written extensively on political communication. He is author of Justices and Journalists (2011), Typing Politics (2009) and The Web of Politics (1999), and co-author of New Media and American Politics (with Diana Owen, 1998). He has edited Covering the Court in the Digital Age (2011), and has also co-edited Making a Difference: A Comparative View of the Role of the Internet in Election Politics (with Diana Owen, David Taras and Stephen Ward, 2008) and Twitter and Elections around the World: Campaigning in 140 Characters or Less (Christina Holtz-Bacha and Marion Just, 2016).
David Taras' most recent publications include Digital Mosaic; Media, Power and Identity in Canada (2015) and The Last Word: Media Coverage of the Supreme Court of Canada (with Florian Sauvageau and David Schneiderman, 2006). He is a former president of the Canadian Communication Association.