Professor Mike Wallace is Professor of Education Management and Policy at the School of Education and School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, and Professor of Public Management, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. He served as Strategic Adviser for Researcher Development and Director of the Researcher Development Initiative for the Economic and Social Research Council and his main interest lies in the management of change in public services, spanning policy development and implementation, complex and programmatic change, public service reform, planning for change, large-scale reorganization, and leadership development interventions. Professor Michael Reed is Professor of Organizational Analysis at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. One of the founding editors of the organization theory journal, Organization, Reed is a Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences and Learned Society of Wales. His major research interests focus on changing relationship between political elites, occupational experts, and organizational control regimes within Anglo-American political economies. Dr Dermot O'Reilly is a Senior Lecturer in Management Learning and Leadership, Lancaster University and previously Senior Research Officer for the research project 'Developing Public Service Leaders as Change Agents in the Public Services', funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and based at Cardiff Business School. Professor Michael Tomlinson is from Southampton Education School, University of Southampton. He was previously a lecturer at Keele University in the School of Public Policy and prior to that a Research Officer on the research project 'Developing Leaders as Change Agents in the Public Services' funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and based at Cardiff Business School. His main research interests include sociological and political economic aspects of higher and post-compulsory education, focusing on higher education policy and its relationship to employability, labour markets, marketisation, graduate and academic identity. Professor Jonathan Morris is Professor of Organizational Analysis at Cardiff University's Business School. He was previously Research Associate, Lecturer and Senior Distinguished Research Fellow at the school. His research interests are at the intersection of major organizational transformations and their workplace implications. He has published ten books and eighty journal articles on these themes and he is a Fellow of the Academy of Social sciences and the Learned Society of Wales. Professor Rosemary Deem is Emerita Professor of Higher Education Management and Doctoral School Senior Research Fellow, Royal Holloway, UK, where she was has been a Member, College of Review Panel Members, European Science Foundation since 2017.