This is a 3-book bundle, which addresses various subtopics, including but not limited to these:
Book 1: This guide will guide you along in a crazy world with supermarkets full of shelves with snacks that contain absolutely no valuable nutrients whatsoever.
Welcome to the binge eating book, the book that can help you stop snacking on things that aren’t healthy for you. Many people face this problem. It has become more common as the media is found mostly at home, with billions of people who have gotten into the habit of watching TV daily.
Are you binge eating or just overeating?
Is binge shopping based on the same dopamine triggers as binge eating?
How can you quit binge eating anyway?
These questions and many others will be addressed and discussed in this book.
Book 2: Based on various research projects, this book helps you see the best ways to stop binge eating. For some people, it’s an actual disorder. For others, it’s a bad routine they got into and want to break through.
Why do people binge eat?
What causes them to reach for unhealthy snacks, aside from the fact that they are at least affordable and tasty?
Is there more involved in such an addiction?
And what about chocolate? Is that a distinct case?
Do men and women both binge eating in equal numbers?
Find out why so many people are confronted with their binge eating habits. Learn why it is possible to stop, and even more so, exactly how to do it.
Book 3: How do you subdue your cravings without going crazy?
What are the roots of binge eating disorder?
People who binge eat, and by that, I mean seriously eat excessive amounts of food, are in danger. They may be more vulnerable to depression, anxiety, obesity, and a number of other psychological, mental, and physical health problems.
The urge to constantly eat can be a nagging annoyance in your brain that won’t cease until you do something about it. Therefore, this guide has been created. It is precisely the thing you can use to help you understand why you may have those strong urges, and at the same time provide you solutions to solve your issues with unhealthy food eating habits.
Don’t ignore this precious information. You will not regret it if you give this book a chance.