I raise my hand, noticing any timidity or prior insecurity I once felt is gone. I am free to be myself at this place.
"Yes, Camille." She points at me.
I feel joy at the mention of my new name. "So, let me get this straight!" I try to collect my thoughts. "If my mother, father, or guidance counselor tells me something that goes against the Bible..."
"Then it's okay to not obey them, yes." Ruth Ann finishes my sentence.
"You do not have to listen to anyone who berates you or speaks criticism into your life," Marcia adds.
Tommie gets up and places her hands around my shoulders. "You can be your own person and stand on your own two feet without your parents."
I don't know what came over me just then, but I broke out into tears!
Could this be it?
Could this be the freedom I have been looking for?