Yves Doz is the INSEAD Solvay Chaired Professor in the management of technological innovation, on the Academic Committee at CEDEP, and has taught at Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business, and leading business schools in Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Japan, and Korea. His research and publications have won numerous awards, including a doctorate "honoris causa" from Aalto University in Finland, the first CK Prahalad Scholar- Practitioner Award from the Strategic Management Society for bringing research findings to management practice, and a Lifetime Distinguished Scholar award from the Academy of Management. His academic peers elected him a Fellow of all three major Academic Societies in management, one of only four scholars worldwide to be bestowed such recognition. He has worked with many global corporations such as Airbus, Avery Dennison, GSK, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Nokia, P&G, Teva, Timken, Toyota and Xerox. His work with the public sector recently included advising Finnish Parliament institute, SITRA, on developing strategically agile national governments and he teaches in a leadership development program for senior civil servants in Finland.
Keeley Wilson is Senior Researcher at INSEAD. Her work for the past 20 years in both research and consulting has focused on global innovation strategies, management processes, strategic alliances, and leadership challenges at a wide range of companies including HP, Novartis, Shell, Siemens, Reuters, Schneider, and Xerox.