• The Inquisition: How it was not a bloodthirsty institution but a merciful (and necessary) one
• Galileo's "Trial": Why moderns invented a myth around it to make science appear incompatible with the Catholic faith (it's not)
• The Reformation: Why the 16th-century Church was not totally corrupt (as even some Catholics wrongly believe) and how the reformers made things worse for everybody
• and other lies that the world uses to attack and discredit the Faith.
Written in a brisk style that's fun and easy to read, Seven Lies about Catholic History provides the lessons that every Catholic needs in order to defend and explain - not just apologize for - the Church's rich and complex history.
Diane Moczar, Ph.D., serves as an adjunct professor of history at Northern Virginia Community College. Her articles have appeared in various publications such as Triumph, Smithsonian, Catho