Prof. Dr. Jegerlehner studied physics and received his PhD at Bern University, Switzerland. In 1976 he obtained his Habilitation at Free University of Berlin, Germany.
He had been member of the research project Quantumdynamics at the Center of Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), Bielefeld University. Since 1983 full professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Bielefeld. 1989-1995 staff at Paul-Scherrer-Institute, Villigen, Switzerland, with teaching position at ETH ZĂĽrich and ETH Lausanne, Switzerland. Since 1995 head of the DESY Zeuthen theory group and professor at Humboldt-University Berlin.
He had been visiting scientist/professor at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill/N.J., USA, Wuppertal University, Germany, Bern University, Switzerland, Hannover University, Germany, Centre de Physique Theorique CRNS-Luminy, Marseille, France, Technical University Dresden, Germany.
In 2007 he received a Research Grant Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow/Poland and had been awarded in 2008 the Alexander von Humboldt Honorary Research Fellowship by the Polish Science Foundation University Katowice, Poland.