The Regent of Pakpak Bharat
Pakpak Bharat Regency is currently led by Mr. Franc Bernhard Tumanggor as the 4th Regent who leads the Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency. He was inaugurated on 26 February 2021 for a term of 2021-2024.
He was born in Paris on 6 January 1985, married to Mrs. Juniatry Setia Manogihon Sirait, BSc (Hons), MRes and has 2 children. He started his basic education at SD Negeri Tebet Timur 18 Pagi, graduating in 1997, continued to SLTP Negeri 7 Medan, graduating in 2000 and to higher education at SMU Arena Siswa Bekasi, graduating in 2005.
He started his political organization career in KOSGORO in 1957 since 2017 and was active in GOLKAR Party of North Sumatra Province since 2016. Prior to serving as Regent of Pakpak Bharat, he served as Member of the Provincial Parliament (DPRD) for the 2019-2020 period. He also served as President Director of PT. Permata Hijau GASINDO (2017-2019) and as Commissioner of PT. Indokebun Unggul (2011-2019).
In achieving his vision and mission, he instills the basic values
of performance (Core Value) to all Civil Servants of Pakpak Bharat Regency, namely SADA which is referred to as follows: S: Solutive, A: Agile, D: Discipline and A: Trust.