This book encourages readers of all ages - but most particularly those "after 50" - to seek and embrace God as the center of their lives, to care for others from a deeper place in their souls and to nurture their own interior lives through creative, new and simple ways. Robert Wicks' thought-provoking blend of ideas, quotations, story, humor and original prayer provides solid, practical spiritual guidance as well as insightful psychological reflection. In three sections - "Praying, " "Caring" and "Nurturing" - Robert Wicks offers his readers a gentle prod to discover the riches of this holy time of life. "Praying" encourages such activities as having honest conversations with God, enjoying silence and solitude and developing personal parables. "Caring" challenges readers to be present to others, to become true listeners and to be faithful to those in need. "Nurturing" provides concrete and creative suggestions for soul-nourishing.