The truth behind “Dr Sebi’s Protocol” is… to eradicate mucus frоm thе bоdу, whісh is bеѕt achieved thrоugh аlkаlіnе fооdѕ.
You may be wondering how Dr. Sebi's diet differs from other diets that involve the consumption of vegan or vegetarian based foods?
As you know, many diets just say to eat or ban the consumption of a specific food without a rule or some kind of logic. The "Dr Sebi’s Protocol", on the other hand, is a real "nutritional guide" to achive physical and mental well-being. It is much more than just a diet – It’s a lifestyle!
But there is more! Much more ... Simply by following "7 secret rules" that I personally identified during my studies, and which I will reveal to you in preview in this Guide, you can easily understand how to: cleanse the colon, detox the liver, lower high blood pressure, reverse diabet, lose weight and heal your overall immune system.
So, just to be honesti with you, it will not be enough for you to do a simple "Google search" and follow the recipes posted on the various blogs or websites. There is a lot of misinformation on the web and, even worse, you could risk to end on scammer sites that offer you to purchase "miracle drugs" or "medical herbs" by passing them off as "products recommended by Dr Sebi" that treat diseases for which nowadays there is no cure.
I make this clarification because I have invested years of study before being able to write this Guide, as well as having “tried on my skin” the real “Dr Sebi’s Protocol” and benefited from it.
All you have to do is…
1. Get the food that I suggest in my special list
2. Follow my 1-Week meal plan without going crazy in what, when and how to eat every single day
3. Let your body do the rest!
In this book you are ready to discover:
· The fastest and most innovative way to cook 200+ meals approved by Dr Sebi himself. Inside the book you will also find a 7-day food plan to make your job even easier to follow.
· Which foods are recommended by Dr Sebi and which ones are absolutely forbidden. You will find a detailed nutritional guide that I have developed in my course of study.
· What are the benefits that you can enjoy simply by following my "7 secret rules".
· A wide variety of teas that will aid your daily health issues like: respiratory support teas, pregnancy teas, energizing teas, stomach soothing teas, teething teas, stress teas, pregnancy-safe headache tea, and much more.
· Which medical herbs you can use to reduce or dissolve fibroids and eliminate the high protein content from urine.
No more excuses, start being healthy! Pick up your own copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of the page!