Puzzles are an important part of Reasoning Section, the one that you cannot escape from. It is the topic that dominates the Reasoning Section of all sorts of banking exams. So many other miscellaneous topics too are now being asked in the form of puzzles. The number of questions being asked on puzzles ranges from 60 to 65 percent of the total number of questions in the Reasoning Section. So it is now very obvious that the strategy of ignoring questions based on puzzles, thereby solving other questions won't be working anymore as neglecting questions on puzzles can risk the likelihood of you clearing the sectional cut off or scoring satisfactory marks in the Reasoning Section.
It is already known to all the aspirants that Puzzles & Seating Arrangement form the most important part of the Reasoning Section as they carry the highest weightage among the other topics. So, considering all the significance that these portions carry, this eeBook would provide all the necessary help and guidance in clearing the given sections smoothly. SALIENT FEATURES:
-2500+ Questions on Puzzles & Seating Arrangement
- New pattern Based Questions of 2017-18 Exams including 10 practice sets
- Expect the Unexpected ones[Surprised Pattern]
-Incorporates more than 10 Types of Puzzles & Sitting Arrangement
-Incorporates the last 5-year Memory Based Questions asked in SBI, IBPS, RBI & Other Examinations