DEBORAH DOZIER POTTER was born into an entertainment A-list family. Her mother, Joan Fontaine, her aunt, Olivia de Havilland, and her stepmother, Ann Rutherford, were forties era movie stars. Her father, William Dozier, a popular film and television executive, produced and narrated TV’s Batman series. Seeking a “regular” environment, Deborah settled in Santa Fe, New Mexico where she continued her international career as an actors’ representative. She and her husband raised two sons, developed a politically charged real estate law firm, and have formed partnerships that own several businesses. Among her many volunteer positions, she has served as the founding organizer of Santa Fe’s Plaza Community Stage, a member of the Kennedy Center’s President’s Advisory Council on the Arts, and as a trustee of a college, an orchestra and two museums. Her traumatic accident leading to PTSD, an often un-diagnosed disability, and a life-changing relationship with her Border Collie inspired her to write their story.