For every authentic Christian fruit, there is a Jewish toot! This truth id demonstrated across a wide spectrum of theological truth, including: Scripture, Messiah, Salvation, Faith, Baptism, Gospel, Grace, and Descipleship.
Christianity owes a profound debt of gratitude to the Jewish people and to biblical and Second Temple Judaism for the foundations of the truths and practices that it hold dear. As you read this challenging, informative, and inspirational book, you will be amazed at just how Jewish Christianity, the "other Jewish religion," actually is.
John D. Garr is founder and president of Hebraic Christian Global Community (, an international, transdnominational, multiethnic networking organization that serves as a publishing and educational resource to the Christian church.He is also chancellor of Hebraic Heritage Christian College ( An academician with a pastor's heart, Dr. Garr both informs and inspires believers for biblically sound, Christocentric faith that is grounded in the Hebraic heritage of the faith of Jesus and the apostles.