Victor Torres is a professional counselor with twenty-four years of experience. He graduated from California State
University, Sacramento with a double Master’s Degree in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling and School Counseling
in May 1987 and a double Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and Spanish in January 1981. He also earned three Community
College Credentials in Counseling, Counseling Supervising and Psychology through the Los Rios Community College District in
During these years as a helping professional, he has received thirteen national awards for dedication, performance,
leadership and distinguished service as an exceptional counselor, author, and public speaker from Covington Who’s
Who Executive of the Year (2014) Covington Who’s Who Professional and Executive of the Year (2013), Covington Who’s
Who ( 2013, 2012), Worldwide Who’s Who (2013) Strathmore’s Who’s Who (2012, 2000-2001), Who’s Who Among America’s
Teachers (2004-2005, 1996), Metropolitan’s Who’s Who (2006), Who’s Who Among Human Service Professionals (1992, 1988)
and The National Distinguished Service Registry (1990). He is also a published Lifetime Member of the International Society
of Poets (1996).
Victor is a Spirit-filled Christian who has experienced the Lord’s powerful touch in his life in the areas of emotional
and physical healing. “In the last twenty-four years, as I have counseled people of all ages and at nearly every stage of life, I
have found one common theme to all the various hurts reported to me by my clients: because they have been hurt by others,
they allow fear to rule their hearts. Then, defeat and despair settle in, and they remain in the bondage of merely existing,
rather than allowing the Great Physician to heal them, free them, and give them an abundant life in Christ.”
Victor believes that this book will radically change lives by leading many to freedom from fear into a vibrant relationshipwith Jesus Christ that embraces openness, honesty, integrity, and Christ’s perfect love fully manifest. He also believes that this manuscript will be used greatly by the Lord to usher in spiritual revival for those who are hungry for God and desire to see the Holy Spirit manifest Himself mightily through miraculous healings, deliverance, salvation, and prophecy.
He currently lives in Elk Grove, California with his three children, Joshua, Rachel and Jonathan.
To contact Victor to either purchase his materials or to have him come speak, visit him at, or at He would love to hear from you!
Author, public speaker, & counselor
Victor Torres