We hope that this book will be useful in illustrating how these young people express their aspirations about Peace Education integrated into English language lessons.
Dewi Puspitasari, M.Pd., the author is an English language teacher at UIN Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan who is dedicated to education in language. A graduate of Universitas Negeri Semarang and mother of two, she is interested in the application of integrated education in all fields and began introducing language as a subject that could be integrated into other fields on the campus where she teaches. Starting with the introduction of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) on the campus where she works, the author hopes that language can concurrently be present with other literacies such as counting, ethics, and other aspects. Her hope is that those who are learning language will not only be focused on the skill of language structure alone, but rather according to the context of each individual’s needs. This book is one application of the idea and proof that language is a tool for communication and a sign of what is manifested through the use of various languages themselves. May this book be useful.
Mutammam, M.Ed., the author is a state lecturer at the Faculty of Tarbiyah, Teaching and Education Sciences (FTKIP), UIN Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. Before becoming a lecturer, the author received a scholarship for a Master’s degree in Canada in the field of Education Management. Before that, the author received boarding school education at the Tebuireng boarding school in Jombang while completing formal high school and undergraduate education. While teaching, the author pursued a Doctoral degree in Education Management at Unnes and Islamic Studies at UIN Walisongo. Since 2012, the author and his spouse have established and run the Al-Qur’an boarding school in Wonopringgo Pekalongan. In addition, they currently serve as the chairman of YMI, an education foundation that is the oldest in the Pekalongan district with around 4,000 students.
Chusna Maulida, M.Pd.I., the author is an Arabic Education teacher at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, teaching various education subjects and contributing to the improvement of teacher professionalism through a certification program organized by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. They believe that high-quality education depends on high-quality teachers, who are professional, well-being, and respected. Teachers, as educators, are the starting gate in shaping the personalities of students, in order to achieve individuals who are God-fearing and have noble character. The future of the nation is in the hands of teachers, who are the architects of civilization. Teacher professionalism must be supported by standard competence and special skills. The development of knowledge and technology has changed the way and style of learning for students, as the current generation is agile in searching for and finding information sources, so a great teacher is needed, a truly professional teacher. This book is an implementation of teacher professionalism in the process of sharing and self-education. May it be useful.
Dr. Agnes Widyaningrum, S.E., S.Pd., M.Pd., the author is an English language lecturer in the English Literature Study Program at the Faculty of Law and Language, Stikubank University (UNISBANK) Semarang who dedicates herself to the development of education, especially character education through the English language and literature. A graduate of Semarang State University (UNNES) and also the mother of two daughters, she has an interest in the implementation of education, specifically the integration of character development in all levels of education and introducing English language and literature learning with PBL and PjBL methods in the program where she teaches. The rapidly changing world of education, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, has made the author interested in teaching with case study methods so that students are actively involved in problem solving. By honing skills and increasing the abilities of English literature students through digital learning, it is hoped that their digital literacy will increase, allowing them to adapt to the digital era. Language as one of the ways of communication can be done verbally and non-verbally. Through this book, which is one of the ideas of language as a tool for communication manifested through the use of language varieties itself, it is hoped that it can be beneficial.
Akhmad Afroni, S.Ag., M.Pd., the author is a lecturer in Educational Management at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Program [PGMI], Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training [FTIK], UIN K.H. Abdurahman Wahid Pekalongan. A graduate of Semarang State University, majoring in Educational Management at Semarang State University (UNNES) in 2008, he is actively involved in the field of educational and social community endowments by establishing the Al-Izzah Islamic Educational and Social Endowment Development Foundation. The foundation is engaged in managing endowments for the benefit of Islamic Education and Social Community, by establishing Islamic educational institutions and social institutions. One of the institutions that has been established since 2008 is the Al-Izzah Play Group and Raudatul Atfal Al-Izzah/KB and RA Al-Izzah Kaligangsa Tegal Central Java Indonesia.