Set against the vibrant yet unforgiving backdrop of New York City, this story weaves the lives of two relentless professionals—Olivia Bennett, a fearless investigative journalist, and Jack Hawthorne, an environmental lawyer fighting against corporate greed. Both are chasing the same elusive truth: the dark secrets of Evergreen Industries, a corporation whose web of corruption spans continents.
When a mysterious tip thrusts them onto converging paths, Olivia and Jack find themselves drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, uncovering explosive evidence that could shatter Evergreen’s empire. As their investigations deepen, they face escalating threats, shadowy conspiracies, and the ultimate test of trust.
In this heart-pounding prequel, Guillaume Lessard masterfully explores themes of resilience, moral conviction, and the power of partnership. Packed with suspense, emotional depth, and unexpected twists, Intersection: The Moment Their Paths Crossed will leave you breathless and eager for the next chapter.
Fans of legal thrillers, investigative dramas, and stories of unrelenting determination will find themselves captivated by this unforgettable narrative.
Are you ready to follow their journey and uncover the truth that could change everything?
Guillaume Lessard is an accomplished author, storyteller, and founder of iD01t Productions. Known for crafting compelling narratives that explore resilience, justice, and the human spirit, Guillaume’s work reflects a deep passion for uncovering truths and inspiring change.
With a unique ability to weave emotional depth into thrilling plots, his novels captivate readers, leaving them both entertained and inspired. Beyond writing, Guillaume is dedicated to innovation and storytelling through various mediums, bringing dynamic and thought-provoking projects to life at iD01t Productions.
To learn more about Guillaume Lessard and his work, visit and join the mailing list for exclusive insights and updates on his latest endeavors.